The Lunenburg Furniture co. Actually Makes Furniture

Montague st. Lunenburg, NS

Back in 2013 when I first established The Lunenburg Furniture Co. I had every intention of actually building furniture, but the gods of business had other plans for me. I was commissioned to build one door, which led to another and another and before I knew it the Lunenburg Furniture Company became The Lunenburg door company. I considered changing my company name to better reflect what I was actually doing, but furniture building is my first love and I decided to keep that identity. Although most of my work is still architectural millwork, I have had the opportunity to build furniture for some wonderful customers and I am finding that lately more is coming my way.

Greene and Greene chairs

These four Greene and Greene style chairs and expanding table were built for a customer in Halifax.

My wife, Anna, aka The Hat Junkie has been the recipient of many pieces. I made her this sewing table in hopes of helping her decrease her clutter.

As you can see, I was only mildly successful.

White Oak Patio Furniture

I was commissioned to build four swivel chairs and a table by Sandrine Lejeune Design Inc., in Vancouver. The customer lives in New Brunswick and wanted to support a local craftsperson. Built from White Oak using traditional joinery.

If you have a porch, you should really have a porch swing. This arts and crafts style swing lives on a beautiful porch in Mahone Bay. It’s built from white oak. Frozen Daiquiris not included.

Arts and Crafts Desk

If you need inspiration to sit down and work, this desk should do the trick. It lives in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia and I’m currently building a chair to go with it.

Painted Vanity

Technically, this is a bathroom vanity and not furniture, but it’s worthy of being furniture. I built this for Fran Underwood, an interior designer in Chester, NS. I’m afraid I don’t know the name of the painter, but whoever they are they did a beautiful job.

Walnut Table

This simple mid century modern table lives in Mahone Bay, NS.

Victorian Daybed

I built this daybed for Anna….and then a few years later I built her this table to go with it. The style is Country Victorian, a more folksy interpretation of classic Victorian furniture.

zig zag chair and desk

The zig zag chair and desk are a well known design by Gerrit Rietveld. I built these from South American Mahogany back in 2013.

Queen Anne Chair

I’ll leave you with one of my early pieces. It was drawn by my talented friend, Dan Hafferman. It was built soon after I had graduated from The North Bennet Street School. It’s a Queen Anne style chair. After over 40 years of furniture making, a beautiful, traditionally joined chair is still one of my favourite pieces of furniture to build.

Thanks for tuning in. If you have a special project in mind please send me an email or give me a call. Tony


  1. Richard Redmond on February 14, 2022 at 7:38 pm

    Tony, We had commissioned you to produce several raised panel doors for our Zwicker Building Renovation, which were excellent and your knowledge of traditional wood joinery methods has been a great resource, particularly with the Big Boat Shed Restoration. I have also been fortunate to view some of your furniture pieces “in process” and can attest to the exquisite craftsmanship. We look forward to working with you on future projects.
    Sincerely, Richard Redmond, President, RIKJAK Projects Inc.

    • Tony Chaplik on February 14, 2022 at 8:28 pm

      Thanks so much for the high praise, Richard. It was a pleasure working with you. Tony

  2. Stefan Bolduc on February 15, 2022 at 2:13 am


    Thank you for this great post – but sorry for getting you to build us a door 😉 Kidding aside, as Richard mentioned, we have been to your shop quite often and can also attest the beautiful furniture you build. We will be hounding you for a dining room table, banquette, chairs, etc. soon enough. Thanks for everything you do and keep it up.

    • Tony Chaplik on February 15, 2022 at 1:31 pm

      Stefan, It was a pleasure building your door and it will be a pleasure building whatever else you throw at me.

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